You’ll learn many things about yourself and how you can find the courage to proudly show the world the real you. Your journey ends in an exciting vision of a future that you design yourself, based on your own goals, dreams, and passions.

Your journey to authenticity includes

  • Getting to know yourself

  • Giving yourself a self-concept makeover

  • Accepting yourself

  • Learning to love who you are

  • Determining your life purpose

  • Discovering how to live authentically

Course curriculum

    1. About the Course

    1. Introduction to Module 1

    2. Lesson 1 - Introduction

    3. Lesson 1 additional resources - How to Write Your Own Affirmations

    4. Lesson 2: Know Yourself – The First Step to Being Authentic

    5. lesson 2 additional resources - I discover more about myself each day.

    6. lesson 2 additional resources - I have a clear understanding of who I am

    7. Lesson 3: Top 10 Ways to Develop Self-Awareness

    8. lesson 3 additional resources: Increasing Self-Awareness

    9. lesson 3 additional resources - Meditation teaches me about myself

    10. Lesson 4: Who Are You? Pondering Your Personal Identity

    11. lesson 4 additional resources - I embrace my identity

    12. lesson 4 additional resources - My career is separate from my identity

    13. Lesson 5: Increase Self-Understanding by Journaling Your Life

    14. lesson 5 additional resources - My journal teaches me about myself

    15. Lesson 6: Discovering Your Personal Set of Values

    16. lesson 6 additional resources - My values determine my choices and shape my destiny

    17. Lesson 7: 15 Questions to Ask Yourself to Discover Your True Passions

    18. lesson 7 additional resources - How to Become More Passionate

    19. lesson 7 additional resources - How Finding Your Passion Can Improve Your Life

    20. Lesson 8: Summary and Reflection

    21. lesson 8 additional resources - I am secure in my sense of self

    22. lesson 8 additional resources - I discover new strengths each day

    23. Module 1 – Know Yourself Quiz

    1. Give Yourself a Self-Concept Makeover Description

    2. Lesson 9: Reevaluating the Past

    3. Lesson 9 additional resources: Healing Negative Childhood Memories With Journaling

    4. Lesson 9 additional resources: I release the past

    5. Lesson 9 additional resources: I am free of the challenges of my past

    6. Lesson 10: Build Your Self-Esteem

    7. lesson 10 additional resources: I increase my self-esteem by focusing on my positive qualities

    8. Lesson 10 additional resources : My self-esteem comes from acknowledging every achievement

    9. Lesson 10 additional resources: You Can Do It - Understanding and Overcoming Low Self-Esteem

    10. Lesson 11: Be Proactive to Increase Your Satisfaction in Life

    11. Lesson 11 additional resources: Re-Claim Your Life by Living Consciously

    12. Lesson 12: Who Do You Wish To Be?

    13. Lesson 12 additional resources: Each day I strive to become the person I want to be.

    14. Lesson 13: Module 2 Summary and Reflection

    15. Lesson 13 additional resources: Break Away from Self-Limiting Thought Patterns

    16. Module 2 – Give Yourself a Self-Concept Makeover Quiz

    1. Lesson 14: Self-Acceptance: What It Is and How To Get It

    2. Lesson 14 additional resources: Self-acceptance is a result of being kind to myself

    3. Lesson 15: 4 Ways to Come to Terms With Your True Self

    4. Lesson 15 additional resources: The person I am is just enough for me

    5. Lesson 16: 3 Strategies to Let Go of Past Mistakes and Move Forward

    6. Lesson 16 additional resources: Free Yourself from the Past

    7. Lesson 16 additional resources: I forgive myself for any and all past mistakes.

    8. Lesson 17: Feel Better About Yourself by Leaving the Burden of Guilt Behind

    9. Lesson 17 additional resources: When I forgive myself, I release myself from guilt

    10. Lesson 18: Transform Your Inner Critic Into Your Own Personal Cheerleader

    11. Lesson 18 additional resources: 12 Signs That You're Being Too Self-Critical

    12. Lesson 19: Break Free From Crippling Self-Doubts With These 3 Tips

    13. Lesson 19 additional resources: I am confident enough to avoid self-doubt

    14. Lesson 19 additional resources: My strength lies in being able to overcome my doubts

    15. Lesson 20: Proven Strategies to Eliminate a Negative Self-Image

    16. Lesson 20 additional resources: Affirmative self-talk gets in the way of negative energy

    17. Lesson 21: 8 Tips for Building a Healthy Self-Image

    18. Lesson 21 additional resources: Being different makes me interesting

    19. Lesson 22: Module 3 Summary and Reflection

    20. Lesson 22 additional resources: I accept myself – wholly and completely

    21. Module 3 – Accept Yourself Quiz

    1. Love Who You Are Description

    2. Lesson 23: Embrace Your Individuality

    3. Lesson 23 additional resources: I am beautiful inside and out

    4. Lesson 23 additional resources: I am my own unique self - special, creative, and wonderful

    5. Lesson 24: Stop Seeking Approval From Others and Enjoy Greater Self-Esteem


    7. Lesson 25: The Flaw of Comparing Yourself to Others

    8. Lesson 25 additional resources: I recognize my talents

    9. Lesson 25 additional resources: I refrain from comparing myself to others

    10. Lesson 26: 8 Ways to Learn to Like Yourself and Live the Life You Want

    11. Lesson 26 additional resources: I appreciate myself

    12. Lesson 26 additional resources: I silence the voice of self-criticism

    13. Lesson 27: Self-Authority - Believe in Yourself

    14. lesson 27 additional resources: When I believe in myself, so do others

    15. lesson 27 additional resources: I trust my instincts

    16. lesson 27 additional resources: Believing in myself makes me feel invincible

    17. lesson 27 additional resources: My self-belief overshadows the doubts of others

    18. lesson 27 additional resources: I trust my decisions

    19. lesson 27 additional resources: I stand tall in the face of criticism

    20. lesson 27 additional resources: I trust my thoughts & emotions

    21. Lesson 28: Loving Your Physical Self - Looking After Your Body

    22. lesson 28 additional resources: I am comfortable with my appearance and acknowledge my beauty

    23. lesson 28 additional resources: Happiness with my body results from inner self-love

    24. Lesson 29: Loving Your Emotional Self: Understanding and Respecting Your Own Feelings

    25. Lesson 29 additional resources: I pay attention to my feelings

    26. Lesson 29 additional resources: My emotional well-being is essential to maintaining my self-worth

    27. Lesson 29 additional resources: I choose thoughts that nourish and support me

    28. Lesson 30:Loving Your Intellectual Self: Feeding Your Mind

    29. lesson 30 additional resources: Cultivating Curiosity

    30. lesson 30 additional resources: I am a life-long learner

    31. Lesson 30 additional resources: New Research Suggests that Meditation Can Alter Your Brain for the Better

    32. Lesson 30 additional resources: Top 11 Reasons to Learn Something New Each Day

    33. Lesson 30 additional resources: I seek knowledge in everyday discoveries

    34. Lesson 31: Loving Your Spiritual Self - Caring for Your Soul

    35. Lesson 31 additional resources: Developing Spirituality

    36. Lesson 31 additional resources: I nourish my spirit

    37. Lesson 32: Summary and Reflection

    38. Lesson 32 additional resource

    39. Module 4 – Love Who You Are Quiz

    1. Determine Your Life Purpose Description

    2. Lesson 33: The Benefits of Discovering and Living Your Life Purpose

    3. Lesson 33 additional resources: What Is The Meaning of Life? A Guide to Discovering Your Purpose

    4. Lesson 34: Questions to Reveal the Purpose of Your Life

    5. Lesson 35: Finding Your Purpose Through Writing

    6. Lesson 35 additional resources: A Simple Guide to Keeping a Journal

    7. Lesson 36: Meditation Can Unlock the Subconscious

    8. Lesson 36 additional resources: Quiet moments allow me to connect with my soul

    9. Lesson 36 additional resources: 6 Benefits of Introspection that Help You Guide Your Life From Within

    10. Lesson 37: 7 More Questions to Reveal Your Life Purpose

    11. Lesson 37 additional resources: New Ideas for Discovering Your Life's Purpose

    12. Lesson 38: Make Your Purpose a Part of Your Life

    13. Lesson 38 additional resources: My sense of purpose thrives endlessly

    14. Lesson 39: Module 5 Summary and Reflection

    15. Lesson 39 additional resources: My purpose in life is being fulfilled

    16. Module 5 – Determine Your Life Purpose Quiz

About this course

  • $99.00
  • 146 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Discover your potential, starting today

How to Get the Most Out of This Course

This course is sequential. It’s important that you start at the beginning and do the lessons in order, without skipping any.

Take the time to practice the action tips that you find in each lesson. Some of these tips are things to reflect on and some of them are ideas to try out. Please keep an open mind and try them all. Then, you can determine which tips work the best for you and continue working with those.

Please note that there’s an Additional Resources section for each lesson. This section has additional materials that help you in whatever task you are working on in that lesson. Every lesson has something extra for you! You could find articles, affirmations, action guides, or a workbook. Some of the lessons have several resources for you.

Remember to check this section in each lesson and take the time to use these materials. They’ll make the lessons more effective for you!

How to Use the Affirmations

You’ll find quite a few affirmations/reflections in the Additional Resources section. Affirmations have the power to change your thoughts, self-talk, and ultimately, your actions. They can strengthen your talents and help you develop traits that you wish to learn. They can enable you to overpower negative thoughts with positive ones.

You can use them just as you find them in the resources section, or you can further customize them for your own circumstances. In fact, it would work well for you to even write your own! Writing your own affirmations will make them extremely personal to you, making them most effective.

Wondering how to write an affirmation? No worries! You’ll find a helpful guide for writing your own affirmations in the Additional Resources section for this lesson. Try writing a few. You might discover a new talent!

Affirmations work the best when you repeat them to yourself several times a day. If you make up some short ones like the guide shows you, you can repeat these positive statements each time that you feel stress during the day and could use a “pick-me-up.”

Soon, you’ll notice the positive changes you desire!

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